Colm Prunty

Recent Posts

  • January 12, 2020

    Music Roundup 1

    A few words on my first Music of the Week.

  • January 07, 2020

    Glass (2019)

    Trying to pinpoint why this was unsatisfying, and I think it’s because they kind of screwed over Bruce Willis. He had spent Unbreakable coming to terms with being really really strong, finally accepting his fate that he was, in fact, a superhero. It remains probably M. Night’s best film. This one would arguably have been better without him, he didn’t change at all, other than a brief lull where he doubted his ability to be really really strong (nobody gave him a big thing to lift up). He was the same man at the end as at the beginning. There wasn’t even a growth beyond comic book framing, he still had water as a “weakness” (like the aliens in Signs, MNS must be very dehydrated). He even drowned unceremoniously in a puddle.

  • January 06, 2020

    Music of the Week - Jan 6

    I’ve thought a lot about this article by Will Sheff. The benefits of limitations, artificial or otherwise, appear to crop up in various places. So following that, I’m going to try to listen to two albums a week; one classic that I’ve never gotten around to, and one new thing. I’ll try my best to give each at least 8-10 listens, maybe even one where I’m not doing something else at the same time. Remember being a teenager when you’d just listen to music? Back when you had time to do things like that?

  • January 02, 2020


    This worked pretty well last year, so let’s go.

  • December 31, 2019

    2019: A Review

    At the end of last year I posted this tweet.