Colm Prunty

Recent Posts

  • October 03, 2024

    David Copperfield

    I’ve read some Dickens in the past, pretty sure I read Hard Times, since I remember a bunch of character names, if not what actually happened. I definitely read A Tale of Two Cities, which had a very silly twist ending. But mainly, I read contemporary reviews of Demon Copperhead, and it sounded interesting, so I wanted to get in on the ground floor.

  • June 10, 2024

    Ireland Doesn't Get Earthquakes


  • May 06, 2024

    Toronto Marathon 2024

    My alarm went off at 5:30am. I could hear the rain outside. Both cats and one child sprung awake immediately because I, their servant, had moved and therefore was ready to do tasks for them. Auspicious.

  • April 04, 2024

    And Then I Do Nothing

    I had Sunday, most of it, to myself. This is rare. Every two months maybe I have most of a day to myself. So this time, Easter Sunday, as it happened to be, I was left alone after lunchtime, ten, eleven hours lying in front of me. Obviously, I ran for two and a half of them. Then I had a bath. I had lunch, and snacks, and dinner, and further snacks, in a mostly continuous fashion that felt more like grazing than distinct meals. I watched a movie. But mostly, I did nothing.

  • January 18, 2024

    Horror Movies What I Liked

    Instead of sending this in a text message that will be lost for eternity once it’s been read, I’m going to write this here for next time someone says “hey what’s a good horror movie”.