Colm Prunty

Recent Posts

  • April 04, 2024

    And Then I Do Nothing

    I had Sunday, most of it, to myself. This is rare. Every two months maybe I have most of a day to myself. So this time, Easter Sunday, as it happened to be, I was left alone after lunchtime, ten, eleven hours lying in front of me. Obviously, I ran for two and a half of them. Then I had a bath. I had lunch, and snacks, and dinner, and further snacks, in a mostly continuous fashion that felt more like grazing than distinct meals. I watched a movie. But mostly, I did nothing.

  • January 18, 2024

    Horror Movies What I Liked

    Instead of sending this in a text message that will be lost for eternity once it’s been read, I’m going to write this here for next time someone says “hey what’s a good horror movie”.

  • October 15, 2023

    Toronto Waterfront Marathon - Race

    I arrived at the start area about half an hour before my wave was due to go. Dropped off my bag in seconds, and turned around to see what the portable toilet situation was. The situation was this: hundreds of people snaking into the distance, looking like about an hour wait. So I kind of gave up and headed towards my corral until I noticed a bunch of people in running gear hanging around the lobby of the Hilton Hotel. Nobody was paying too much attention to comings and goings, so I nipped in and managed to get to their very nice bathroom. Then I drank a full bottle of water while waiting and still ended up needing to pee for the entire race, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to lose a minute that way. Anyway, that’s the pee-related bit of the day over and I kind of now regret dedicating the entire first paragraph to it.

  • October 13, 2023

    Toronto Waterfront Marathon - Training

    I spent a decent chunk of the spring injured, and had to drop out of the Toronto Marathon (as distinct from this Waterfront one), very sad. I did some physio, some stretching, and I spent June getting back up to a fairly basic level of fitness and then most of July doing a regular 7-8km run around the only park in Scarborough. This was enough to convince me to try again for a marathon, and, luckily, Toronto has two every year. And now that time has come.

  • October 05, 2023


    I watched this nearly a month ago and have only now gotten around to writing a few words because, mostly, it didn’t do a lot for me. In amongst genres and setups that will hook me instantly regardless of the quality (courtroom, exorcism, time loop) the one that’s told through a child’s perspective while a bunch of (inevitably more interesting) adult things happen around the periphery has never been particularly interesting to me. I got recommended the book Before We Were Free years ago and, while I did end up reading the whole thing, all of the interesting stuff happened off the page. It’s like the Simpsons joke about jazz, you have to listen to the notes she isn’t playing and yes, I can do that at home.